Last update: September 4th,2003
Provide an Open Source application to play bridge on your computer.
Bridge ? if in doubt, we're talking about the (famous) 4-player card game here...
Why another computer bridge game ?
As a matter of fact, the authors of this project have tried out several
other computer bridge games, but were often disappointed because either
the application seemed complicated to them, or it was using ancient bridge rules,
... or the computer made the authors lose their contract ;-)
If you're not convinced, we could probably add that we just wanted to try
and develop our own application (and them complain about it).
Bridge is a card game which is evolving rapidly. We know some players who
complain they hardly have time to learn new rules... that they're already
"old". We'd like to develop an application which can learn/load new rules
without having to code the whole application again.
To our opinion, object-oriented programming is perfectly suited to such
situations, and we chose Java because it is platform independant, and easy
to program.
Our developments will also rely on some other projects such as
Ant (for
compiling), Log4j
(for logging development information) and
Junit (for unitary tests).
To see the current UML diagrams of the project click here (this will probably change soon !)
The FreeBridge
project on Source Forge.
Nightly tar ball of freebridge :
download tarball of Sept 4th 2003
Beware: those project are developer snapshots of the CVS repository, NOT project releases. Development is under progress.
Are you very good bridge players ?
As a matter of fact, no. We're beginners ! But we know some good players, and hope to
get advice from them.